Saturday, July 12, 2014

Morning Ride to Hoskote Lake

This was a unplanned ride proposed by suhas on one of his random friday night visits to our place. He was planning to ride to hoskote lake in the next morning along with some of his friends from office and asked if we wanted to tag along. The Cycling enthusiast in me and sachin instantly took a liking to the proposal. JN was initially hesitant but came around on the prospect of bird watching. We spent the rest of the night planning to go through some interior route along the green pastures rather than taking the boring highway.

The Alarm started ringing at 5.00 AM and it took a lot of determination to wake up after snoozing it.It was a pretty cold morning and it took some time for us to get used to it. We took a detour along the main road and went into the paddy fields. Riding along them early in the morning breathing the fresh air with the rising sun in the background was quite the serene Zen like experience.

It was only after some time that we realized that the lakeside road we were supposed to take was private one owned by some international school and were not allowed to go on it.The only other way was to take the main road towards the highway, but suhas was not keen on it as the whole idea of the ride was to go in to the wild along the unexplored routes. We did exactly that for the next half an hour but always hit a dead end at the marsh. By then a dejected JN realized that other from suhas's office will not be joining us and he will not be seeing his birds today.

Finally we decided to hit the highway and get on with the business of reaching the lake at hoskote which was our primary objective.

We spotted nirupam in a petrol bunk. His cycle had got punctured and he was waiting for the repair shop nearby to open. Suhas got started with the business of repairing the puncture and we all happily assisted him.

Once the repair was done, we all rode hard on the empty highway and subsequently a race ensued between JN and Sachin to prove their supremacy on the wheels.As to who was the victor is a hotly debated topic till date.

We finally reached the lake at around 8.00 AM. I was glad to see that there was a lot of water in it which is not the case with most of the areas on Google maps marked as lakes in Bangalore. The birds pecking for fish in the water added a unique element of beauty to the lake.Something about it made the lake look more lively and refreshing. JN settled for the bird-watching he got at the Lake.  Suhas tried to atone for his sin of misleading JN by turning into his spotter.

We cycled in to the lush green fields nearby the lake and stopped somewhere in between when it got difficult to cycle.We were scolded by one of the  farmers for carelessly cycling over one of their water pipes.

Laying on the grass under the sun in cloudy conditions was a refreshing experience after the morning ride.We had a mini-picnic of sorts after resting for a brief while. After a brief debate on the venue for the morning breakfast ,we finally settled for Adigas and started riding back to the Bangalore.

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